
JUANFUNS Model of the Summer /Model of the Year 2015...

https://2014 JUANFUN™ registered trademark,all rights reserved.2015,2016   JUANFUN .COM Mens(or womans) Geared lifestyle,Culture,Links,Travel Contest rules... To Enter Model must be 18 years old Cedula /or I.D./License required.Verified.Juanfun.com,Twitter.com/Juanfun Facebook.com/Juanfun™ and Instagram.com/Juanfun . Please VOTE at JUANFUN.COM and Facebook.com/juanfun™ 1.Model must recieve 100 votes minimum( (likes on facebook Model fotos) 2.AND win JUANFUN.COM voters poll...  The winner of Model of the Summer contest (Which Starts January  1st , 2015 and ends May 26,2015)   The winner of our JUANFUN™ Model of the year 2015 contest will recieve $1000.00 dollars paid in 4 installments ,a trophy a tshirt... 2 nd place Model will recieve $50 dollars ,a tshirt and a trophy .

JUANFUN Model of the year Contest begins  July 1st 2015 Contest voting ends December 31 2015 at 11:59p.m. We will have an event party at a location Between January 1st and January 5th to congratulate our Contest function,JUANFUN™ .COM Models of the year 2014. ***Model MUST get Votes on facebook.com/Juanfun™ and Win our POLL Popularity at JUANFUN.COM Models are promoting our brand.Models are our represenatives for JUANFUN.COM Any rude comments,threats ,theft,negativity from Models,family members,friends,etc are grounds for disqualification from our event. We ask that our Model to represent JUANFUN.COM in a POSITIVE Manner.

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